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What Does a Personal Injury Lawyer Do?

June 28, 2021 | Personal Injury

When you have been injured in any type of accident, you are dealing with many things at one time. Besides the medical care and treatment, you are probably facing financial issues from missed work time and accident-related expenses. During this time, you are expected to begin the legal process. This could prove challenging under any circumstances. This is where a Kansas City personal injury attorney can help.

Dealing with the claims process would prove difficult for anyone. Even if you have had an accident before, you are up against an insurance company that has extensive experience handling scores of claims every day. They have adjusters, actuaries, lawyers and practically every other professional possible who all have one goal in mind; to protect the insurance company. They will never miss an opportunity to deny or underpay a claim.

An Attorney Investigates Your Accident

Your attorney’s work starts in the days after an accident, as soon as you contact them and retain them. All personal injury claims will be decided based on the evidence. In every case, you would need to have enough to prove that someone else was legally responsible for your accident. However, assembling the proof on your own would be exceedingly hard, especially when you are dealing with the effects of physical injuries. A personal injury lawyer would investigate your accident and help you try to prove that someone else was at fault for your injuries.

They Explain Your Legal Options

Knowing who was to blame is just part of the story. Before you begin the legal process, you must understand your options. Usually, you could begin with filing an insurance claim, or move straight to a personal injury lawsuit. Your attorney, with an understanding of your case, could advise you of the best way to begin the legal process.

Fighting for You Against the Insurance Company

One of the most important things that an attorney does is fight for you. While “fight” seems like an overused word that every personal injury lawyer uses, it accurately describes the personal injury process. Insurance companies have set the process up so that it does not work in favor of the average claimant. Insurance companies make it intentionally difficult for you to get the financial compensation that you may legally deserve. Once you hire an attorney, the insurance company must work with that lawyer as opposed to trying to take advantage of you. Your lawyer will handle the paperwork and process to keep you from having to deal with it.

Helping You Understand the Value of Your Claim

A personal injury attorney also helps you by knowing the value of your claim. You can rest assured that the insurance company knows the exact value of your claim. This does not mean that they will offer it to you. Not knowing how much your claim is worth can cost you serious money if you settle for too little. Having someone in your corner who knows what you legally deserve will put you in a better negotiating position.

Finally, you may need general advice throughout the personal injury process. For example, you may have bills piling up that you cannot pay. You may also need help being connected with various experts and advisers who can help you. An attorney can be your general counselor and assist you with various problems that you may encounter while you are injured and going through the claims process. Contact Goza & Honnold today!