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What Are My Rights as an Injured Motorcycle Passenger?

March 18, 2023 | Motorcycle Accidents

motorcycle accidentAs a motorcycle passenger, you put your trust in the driver to keep you safe. However, accidents can happen, and when they do, you may find yourself with injuries and unsure of where to turn. Although the driver of the motorcycle may carry insurance for passengers, it may not adequately cover your present and future medical bills, lost wages, and other losses. Speak with a motorcycle accident lawyer to understand your rights to pursue compensation for accident-related damages. 

The lawyers at Goza & Honnold understand that as a passenger, you have little to no control over whether an accident occurs. Injured motorcycle passengers may be able to file a lawsuit against the motorcycle driver, other motorists, their own insurance company, or the entities responsible for road maintenance on which the accidents occurred. At Goza & Honnold, we can help you by providing a comprehensive case assessment, guiding you through your legal options and rights. 

Your Rights in a Motorcycle Passenger Injury Claim

In a motorcycle accident involving only the vehicle you were riding, the motorcyclist may be liable for your accident-related damages. You may pursue a motorcycle accident claim if the motorcyclist acted with negligence, which can include one or more of the following:

  • Riding recklessly
  • Speeding
  • Riding too fast for the road conditions
  • Not following traffic signs or regulations 
  • Running stop signs or other traffic control devices 
  • Riding while impaired 

Motorcyclists owe a reasonable duty of care to passengers and others sharing the road, which means they must operate the motorcycle safely. If motorcyclists violate their duty of care and cause an accident involving injuries, the motorcyclist may be liable to pay accident-related losses in a personal injury lawsuit.

Passengers must also adhere to a duty of care when riding. If passengers contribute to the accident, they may be partially liable for accident damages. 

Motorcycle accidents involving other vehicles may cause injuries to motorcycle operators and passengers. Commonly, two-vehicle motorcycle accidents occur when motorists fail to notice oncoming motorcycles and turn out in front of them or when drivers change lanes into the paths of motorcyclists. In cases where a motorist is liable for a motorcycle accident, a motorcycle passenger may file a lawsuit seeking damages from the third-party driver. If the accident includes multiple at-fault drivers, they may all be held liable for the motorcycle passenger’s injury.

Recoverable Compensation in a Motorcycle Passenger Injury Claim

In a successful motorcycle passenger injury claim, several types of compensation may be recovered, including the following: 

  • Medical expenses 
  • Lost wages 
  • Pain and suffering 
  • Property damage
  • Loss of consortium 
  • Punitive damages 

The compensation awarded will depend on many factors, including the severity of the injuries sustained, the extent of the property damage, and the impact the accident has had on the injured motorcycle passenger’s life. Working with the lawyers at Goza & Honnold can help ensure you receive the compensation you are entitled to under the law. We fight to protect your legal rights throughout the entire legal process. 

Contact the Motorcycle Passenger Injury Lawyers at Goza & Honnold

Being injured as a passenger on a motorcycle is a traumatic experience that can impact your physical, emotional, and financial well-being. It is your right to pursue a personal injury claim to help you recover the compensation you need to cover medical expenses, lost wages, and other accident-related damages. With the lawyers at Goza & Honnold on your side, you don’t have to go through the legal process alone. 

We are dedicated to fighting for your rights, so you can rest assured you will receive the legal guidance and counsel necessary to have the best chance possible of recovering compensation for your injuries. Schedule a no-cost consultation with one of our motorcycle accident lawyers by filling out our contact form or calling (913) 451-3433.