(913) 451-3433
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Kansas City Defective Medical Device Attorney

We rely on medical devices to keep us safe and help us recover from injuries and illnesses. Manufacturers who create these devices must ensure that their products are safe to use. Unfortunately, some defective medical devices cause more harm than good, causing patients to suffer severe injuries, develop life-threatening illnesses, and experience worsening symptoms for their original condition.

If you are the victim of a defective medical device, there is a chance that others have suffered the same experience. In these situations, you and other victims may be able to file a mass tort claim against the device’s manufacturer. The Kansas City defective medical device lawyers at Goza & Honnold, LLC can represent your mass tort and hold the manufacturer accountable for its dangerous device.

Why Choose Us

  • For decades, we have represented clients in their claims against large corporations. We have secured millions of dollars in compensation on our clients’ behalf.
  • Prior to our formation, our Kansas City medical malpractice attorneys were part of a national product liability defense firm. We understand how the opposing counsel operates and can use this knowledge to strengthen your case.
  • Our firm values open and honest communication throughout your case. Our defective medical device lawyers in Kansas City will take the time to learn your story and answer any questions you may have about the process.

The Dangers of Defective Kansas City Medical Devices

A defective medical device, such as a faulty surgical instrument or pacemaker, can cause serious harm to a patient. The device may suffer a defect due to an error in the manufacturing process, or its design may be inherently dangerous. The manufacturer may also fail to include proper instructions or safety warnings for using the device.

In many cases, these defects lead to serious injuries and deaths. For example, a pacemaker may be unable to send electric charges to the heart, causing the patient’s death. A surgeon may use a defective hip replacement inside of a patient, which can disintegrate and lead to additional surgeries in the future.

Common injuries and illnesses that often arise due to a defective medical device include the following:

  • Organ failure
  • Internal bleeding
  • Cancer
  • Heart attack or stroke
  • Blood clotting
  • Infection
  • Broken bones
  • Tissue damage
  • Chronic pain
  • Paralysis

What Is a Mass Tort?

When multiple people suffer injuries due to the same act of negligence, they may be eligible to file a mass tort claim. Instead of each individual filing their own product liability lawsuits against the at-fault party, one lawyer or group of attorneys represent the interests of multiple plaintiffs in one large case. Mass tort defendants are often large corporations that have produced dangerous or defective products, including medical devices.

In a mass tort lawsuit, each plaintiff retains his or her individual claim instead of becoming part of a single claim. Unlike class-action lawsuits, which divide the settlement evenly between all plaintiffs, mass tort plaintiffs receive settlements based on their individual damages. By consolidating similar claims into one large legal action, plaintiffs can save time and the court can save resources.

At Goza & Honnold, LLC, our defective medical device attorneys have represented clients in defective product claims for decades, We handle mass tort cases involving a wide range of medical devices, including:

If you suffered an injury due to any defective medical device, contact our firm as soon as possible. Our defective medical device lawyers in Kansas City will evaluate your case, determine if others have experienced the same injury, and explain your options for compensation.

Damages for Victims of Defective Medical Device

A defective medical device can cause serious harm. Through a mass tort against the device’s manufacturer, you can recover compensation for the losses you suffered due to the defect. These damages typically fall into two categories: economic and non-economic. While economic damages concern your financial losses, non-economic damages encompass the physical and emotional pain and suffering you endured due to the defect.

Common damages in medical device mass torts include the following:

  • All past and future medical expenses related to your injury or illness, including hospitalizations, surgeries, prescription medications, and doctor’s visits.
  • Wages you lost while recovering from the injury or illness and the loss of future earnings if your condition prevents you from returning to work.
  • Property damage you sustained due to the defective medical device.
  • Pain and suffering damages, such as mental anguish, emotional distress, chronic pain, permanent disability, and loss of quality of life.

Since mass torts allow each plaintiff to pursue individual damages, you can recover compensation for your specific losses. However, it can be difficult to calculate the full extent of your damages on your own. Certain damages, such as future medical expenses, can be challenging to estimate due to fluctuating costs.

The defective medical device attorneys at Goza & Honnold, LLC can evaluate your claim and find all avenues of possible compensation, maximizing your potential settlement. For damages such as future medical expenses, your lawyer can enlist the help of expert witnesses, such as life care planners, who can provide an accurate estimate.

Why Should You File a Medical Device Claim?

After you suffer an injury due to a defective medical device, you may wonder if filing a lawsuit is worth your time and effort. Medical device injuries can be painful, requiring lengthy recovery time and additional treatment. It can be difficult to focus on a complex legal proceeding while healing from this damage.

Manufacturers have a responsibility to ensure their products are safe. You are not responsible for the injuries you sustained, and you should not have to pay for the damages you suffered due to the manufacturer’s error. By filing a medical device claim, you can hold the manufacturer accountable for your losses.

The Kansas City defective medical device attorneys at Goza & Honnold, LLC can help you secure the compensation you need to recover from these hardships. We will partner with expert witnesses, leverage the full extent of our firm’s resources, and try to identify other victims who have experienced similar injuries. We will advocate aggressively for your maximum compensation.

Contact a Kansas City Defective Medical Device Attorney Today

Are you the victim of a defective medical device? If so, it is possible that you are not alone. The medical device injury lawyers at Goza & Honnold, LLC represent clients in mass tort claims against manufacturing companies, holding these entities liable for their dangerous machines.

Contact us today to schedule a free consultation with a Kansas City defective personal injury lawyer. At your appointment, your medical device attorney will discuss your legal options and pathway to compensation.