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Kansas City Hospital Malpractice Lawyers

Medical facilities have as much of a responsibility to protect patients as the physicians, nurses, and other professionals they employ. If one of these employees commits an act of negligence—or if the facility itself is careless in its administration—the injured patient may be eligible to file a medical malpractice claim against the hospital.

If you are the victim of hospital malpractice in Kansas City, the Kansas City medical malpractice lawyers at Goza & Honnold, LLC can help. For decades, we have helped thousands of clients secure the compensation they need to heal from their injuries.

Why Choose Us

  • Our track record speaks for itself. We have recovered tens of millions of dollars on behalf of our clients, proving our dedication to maximum recovery.
  • We have earned the respect of our peers and opposing attorneys. Our lawyers have received some of the most prestigious trial and litigation awards.
  • Our firm has represented thousands of clients in multiple types of lawsuits, including medical malpractice claims. We will leverage our experience to secure maximum compensation on your behalf.

What Is Hospital Negligence?

Medical malpractice occurs when a medical professional harms a patient through a negligent act or omission. In many medical malpractice claims, victims file lawsuits against the at-fault professional directly. In some cases, however, the hospital itself may be liable.

If you suffer an injury or develop a condition due to negligence on behalf of the hospital’s administration, the facility will be liable. For example, if the hospital has unsanitary facilities and you developed an infection during your stay, you could file a claim against the hospital. Other examples of hospital negligence include the following:

  • Unsafe facilities in disrepair.
  • An insufficient number of employees on staff.
  • Inadequate training.
  • Lost medical records and other important documents.
  • Inadequate or outdated medical equipment.
  • Lost test results.
  • Improper communication with patients.

When Is a Hospital Liable for Employee Behavior?

You can name multiple parties in a hospital malpractice lawsuit, including the facility and the medical professionals who committed the negligent act. However, hospitals are only liable for their employees’ actions under certain circumstances.

If you are the victim of medical malpractice, you could file a lawsuit against the facility if the person who committed the negligence is a hospital employee. If the at-fault party is not an employee but an independent contractor, you can hold the facility liable if certain facts apply to your case, including the following:

  • The at-fault party is an independent contractor but appeared to be a hospital employee. Hospitals usually inform patients of their doctors’ contractor status on their admission forms.
  • The at-fault party is an independent contractor with a history of dangerous or reckless behavior. The hospital knew about the behavior but failed to take proper action to remedy it.
  • The hospital hired a medical professional as an independent contractor and failed to properly screen him or her. The medical professional does not have the proper license or training to practice medicine.

You may qualify for a hospital malpractice claim if your case involves these elements. To better understand your legal options, speak to a Kansas City personal injury attorney at Goza & Honnold, LLC.

Contact Goza & Honnold, LLC

Hospitals that fail to uphold their duty of care may be legally responsible for any resulting damage. If a hospital employee or contractor commits an act of malpractice, the medical facility may also be liable for his or her actions.

At Goza & Honnold, LLC, we represent victims of hospital malpractice in their claims against Kansas City medical facilities. We will work tirelessly to secure the compensation you deserve. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation and discuss your legal options.