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Missouri Dog Owner Liability: Can I Sue the Pet Owner for Dog Bite Injuries?

March 8, 2023 | Personal Injury

Dog bite injuriesEven though we love our furry friends, the fact remains that they can cause serious harm to others. Over 4.5 million victims are bitten by dogs annually in the U.S., with 800,000 requiring emergency medical attention, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC). Dog bites can cause serious long-term trauma that impacts your ability to enjoy your daily life. If you were bitten by a dog, you may wonder if you have the right to sue the pet owner for your injuries. Consult a Missouri dog bite injury lawyer for an assessment of your case. 

In a dog bite injury incident, the dog owner is generally liable for injuries caused by the pet. With assistance from the lawyers at Goza & Honnold, qualifying dog bite victims can seek compensation for damages through a personal injury claim. 

Missouri Dog Bite Liability Laws

In Missouri, dog bite injury laws are based on a strict liability standard, which means that the dog owner is responsible for any injuries the dog causes, regardless of whether or not the owner was negligent or knew about the dog’s aggressive behavior. Dog owners are strictly liable for any injuries caused by their dogs if the following conditions are met: 

  • The victim was on public property or lawfully on private property at the time of the incident 
  • The victim did not provoke the dog 
  • The victim did not trespass on the dog owner’s property 

If these conditions are met, the dog owner is responsible for any damages resulting from a dog bite. The statute also states that a liable dog owner must pay a fine of $1,000 in addition to paying any other damages to the victim. 

Recoverable Compensation in a Successful Dog Bite Injury Claim

Depending on the severity of the dog bite injuries and the circumstances of your case, victims may be entitled to recover the following types of compensation: 

  • Medical expenses: This includes the cost of medical treatments, such as hospitalization, surgery, medication, and therapy related to dog bite injuries.
  • Lost wages:  If the victim cannot return to work due to the injuries sustained in the dog attack, they may be able to recover lost wages. 
  • Pain and suffering: This includes compensation for physical and emotional pain and suffering resulting from the dog bite.
  • Scarring and disfigurement: If a dog bite results in permanent scarring or disfigurement, the victim may be entitled to compensation for the disfigurement and any resulting emotional distress. 
  • Property damage: If the dog damaged the victim’s property, such as clothing or other personal items, the victim may be eligible for compensation for repair or replacement costs of the damaged items. 

If you have suffered harm due to a dog bite attack, it is essential to speak with an experienced dog bite injury lawyer. At Goza & Honnold, we routinely help injury victims recover compensation for pain and suffering resulting from severe injuries, including dog bites. We conduct an extensive investigation of your situation to determine whether the available evidence demonstrates that another party is at fault for causing your injuries, pain, and suffering.

Contact the Dog Bite Injury Lawyers of Goza & Honnold Today

Dog bites can cause lasting trauma to victims that may take time and effort to heal. Missouri law recognizes the devastating impact of such injuries and allows dog bites victims to pursue compensation for their losses. The personal injury lawyers of Goza & Honnold believe you should not have to pursue accountability alone. We have the resources necessary to ensure you have the best chance possible of recovering what you have lost by guiding you through the legal process. While injuries cannot be undone, compensation may be available to assist with the aftermath of suffering dog bite injuries, many of which may be permanent.

To schedule a no-cost consultation with one of our attorneys, fill out a contact form or call our office today at (913) 451-3433.